According to two official messages, one from the Prime Minister and the other from the National Police of Haiti (PNH), it will be the second city in the nation to hold the ceremony commemorating the 220th anniversary of the Haitian bicolor.
The general secretariat of the Primature has in fact extended an invitation to the ministers, the prime minister’s chief of staff, the general secretaries of the National Palace and the Council of Ministers, as well as other state dignitaries, to join the head of state at the celebrations of the founding of the Haitian bicolor, which will take place in the North on May 17 and 18, 2023.

The notice states that the King Henry University of Limonade will host the first activity to commemorate the national day of teachers. The picture will be completed by a memorial service, awards, and the presentation of honorary plaques, among other things.
The origin of the Haitian flag will be celebrated on May 18 at the Place de la Cathédrale in Cap-Haitien, where a flower offering will be made at the monument to Emperor Jacques 1er.
The Departmental Directorate of the North of the PNH has made the decision to revoke all permissions and leaves for the timeframe of May 16–May 19, 2023. Frantz Mathurin, the divisional commissioner, has in this regard requested the chiefs of the police

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