Following the Canadian and American sanctions, Dominican President Luis Abinader forwarded a list of 39 Haitians from the political and financial spheres, as well as leaders of gangs, to Venancio Alcántara Valdez, Director General of Immigration, on Friday, April 14, 2023. He also gave Valdez instructions not to allow these foreigners, who pose a threat to the interests and institutions of the Republic, entry into the country.
(1) Youri Latortue (Former Senator)
(2) Gracia Delva (Former Senator)
(3) Liszt Quitel (Former Acting Minister of Justice);
(4) Rodolphe Jaar (Haitiano-Chilean businessman)
(5) Bredy Charlot (Current Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and sustainable development)
(6) Kesner Normil (Agent ai mayor of Petionville)
(7) Evans Paul (Former Prime Minister)
(8) Assad Volcy (Political activist and journalist)
(9) Jean Tholbert Alexis (Former Haitian ambassador to the DR and former President of the Chamber of Deputies)
(10) Victor Prophane (former MP)
(11) Laurent Salvador Lamothe (former Prime Minister)
(12) Richard Lenine Hervé Fourcand (former Senator)
(13) Ronny Celestin (Ex Senator)
(14) Gary Bodeau: (former MP and former President of the Lower House)
(15) Espérance Pierre (Director Executive of the National Network for the Defense of Human Rights – RNDDH)
(16) Charles Saint-Rémy alias “Kiko” (Businessman brother-in-law of former President Michel Martelly)
(17) Sherif Abdallah (l one of the most powerful businessman in Haiti)
(18) Arnel Belizaire (ex Deputy)
(19) Salim Succar (Lawyer)
(20) Reynold Deeb (one of Haiti’s most powerful businessmen)
(21) Nénel Cassy (former Senator)
(22) Berto Dorcé (former Minister of Justice)
(23) Antonio Cheramy alias “Don Kato” (ex-Senator)
(24) Steve Khawly (Agribusiness entrepreneur)
(25) Father Frantz Cole (ex-executive secretary of the Episcopal Church of Haiti)
(26) Father Jean Mardoché Vil (former permanent President of the Episcopal Church)
(27) Fritz Désiré (Director of Saint-Pierre College and former President of the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Church of Haiti)
(28) Dieuné Day
(29) Romel Bell (former Director General of Administration General of Customs)
(30) Wakin Pierre (Divisional Police Inspector
(31) Jhonson André alias “Izo” (Leader of the “5 second” gang)
(32) Emanuel Salomon alias “Mano”
(33) Joselito Petit-Homme alias “Ti Makak”
(34) Carlo Petit-Homme alias “Ti Makak” (gang leader)
(35) Elan Luckson aka “jeneral Luckson Leader of Savien’s “Baz Gran Grif” gang;
(36) Jermaine Stephenson alias “Gaspiyay” (senior leader of the “400 Mawozo” gang)
(37) Albert Stevenson alias “Djourna” (Chief gang in the Simon Pélé district – Cité Soleil)
(38) Julmé Ernst alias “Jeneral Ti Greg” (ex-policeman and gang leader)
(39) Woodlcy Ethéart alias “Sonson La Familia”.