The Wahoo Bay Beach Hotel (approximately thirty completely equipped rooms), which is located on the Côte des Arcadins (West Dept. ), was attacked, plundered, and ransacked during the night of March 15 to 16, 2023. When the attackers left at 2:00 in the morning, they left behind a sight of misery. In the face of more adversaries who were better equipped and more numerous, the hotel’s security was helpless. The majority of the workers hid or fled.
The criminals tossed everything to the ground and ruined everything they could, breaking doors, bay windows, televisions, equipment of all types, beds, and furniture. The damages under evaluation are crucial. For Raina Forbin, president of the Haitian Tourist Association (ATH). This was predicted because people had been making threats against hotel owners and asserting their ownership of the land for a number of months. The relevant authorities (the Ministry of Tourism, Justice, and police force) were aware of the situation. The ATH is doubtful about its ability to draw in investors following such an event and as long as the state of insecurity does not change.

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