The head of the Human Rights Without Borders Foundation went to the offices of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva to present a report that examined the general state of human rights in Haiti and in particular the violations of these rights by people like former prime ministers Laurent Salvador Lamothe and Jean Henry Ceant. This report claims that “charges have been brought against them without any legal basis and without formal accusations from any Haitian or Canadian authority, a country that is participating in a defamation campaign whose objective is clearly political to eliminate those who may be “dangerous and a serious contribution to the solution of the problem.”
He accuses the UN of grave human rights crimes and concealing motives to keep things as they are in Haiti. The accusations, which sound more like gossip than criminal charges, are supported by press releases in the electronic media, without foundation or evidence, and attempt to link these people to armed gangs. This has caught the attention of Human Rights Without Borders because it was these individuals who, when they held positions of authority, attempted to stop the unchecked arming and power of criminal organizations in Haiti. The personal assaults are obviously meant to discredit those who want to use democracy to settle the situation there. With no question.
The report, written by Human Rights Without Borders attorney Cristian Guzmán and reviewed by five experts working with this foundation, was delivered to the offices of the High Commissioner on February 20 and contains a thorough analysis of what is actually taking place in Haiti, where foreign meddling in this country’s internal affairs is also denounced.
The report’s “Observations” section demonstrates that the attack on previous leaders who genuinely tried to settle this delicate situation peacefully is without merit and completely illegal because “this type of unilateral sanctions has been questioned since since for a long time by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.”