On November 30, 2023, in the early hours of the morning in Port-au-Prince, Guy Philippe, the former elected senator of Grand’Anse and commander of the Haitian National Police (PNH), who spearheaded the 2004 rebellion that toppled President Jean Bertrand, was returned to his native country by the United States following a seven-year prison sentence.

Sentenced to nine years in jail, he maintained his innocence and entered a guilty plea to avoid spending the rest of his life behind bars (as per an arrangement with the prosecutor). Upon his arrival, the Central Directorate of Judicial Police (DCPJ) placed him under arrest and held him for interrogation.

Guy Philippe was given full and complete freedom on Saturday, December 2, after two days of intense questioning about the 2016 attack on the Les Cayes police station, where his name had been mentioned and was the subject of an arrest warrant at the time. He is now free to move and quickly made his way back to Pestel (Dept. Grand’Anse), his city of birth, where he was welcomed with pride.
Who might possibly think about running for president in the upcoming election, as well as Guy Philippe’s intentions, are yet unknown.

Pic by New York Times

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