Gerard Latortue was born June 19, 1934 in Gonaïves, Haiti and served as Prime Minister of the Republic of Haiti from March 9, 2004 to June 9, 2006 under the Presidency of Boniface Alexandre. He died early this morning on February 27, 2023 at his residence in Florida, in the age of 88.

United Nations official for several years, he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs under Leslie François Manigat during his brief time as President of Haiti from February to June 1988. On February 29, 2004, Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide suddenly resigned from the presidency and left the country, later claiming he had been ousted in a US coup. Latortue was then appointed head of the new interim government on March 9, 2004 until June 9, 2006

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